Little Neptune

2-3 years

Operates 07.30am-15.00pm   (For sessions until 17.30pm please contact the Nursery Director)

The Little Neptune workshop is a bright and beautifully arranged environment, where toddlers spend their day exploring, absorbing and discovering the world around them. 

The children have the choice to move freely from indoor to outdoor, weather permitting. The children have available to them a variety of hands-on stimulating experiences, activities and materials which promote each student’s personal development following the Montessori and EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) curriculum.  

The aim in Little Neptune is to support and guide toddlers as they discover their sense of self while on their journey of physical, personal, social and emotional development. Through meaningful interactions with their teachers and peers, cognitive, communication and language development also blossoms. 

Our teachers encourage and guide the students of Little Neptune towards independence as they increase their self-help skills, such as eating, dressing and toileting, resulting in young children who feel capable, competent and confident. The Little Neptune workshop creates a strong secure foundation in oneself for positive personal growth and future learning.  

We create a free environment with reasonable limits where every unique child feels safe, respected and cared for. We follow the needs and interests of each child as they discover themselves as individuals and as part of their community. The Little Neptunes follow the motto: respect yourself, respect others, respect the materials and respect the environment. 

For further information and our fees please contact +357 99539380 or [email protected]
